Address: Hoof-weg Wes,Still Bay West, Still Bay, 6674
Time: 08:00-15:00
What do we cover:
- Childcare basics
- General hygiene and safety when working with babies and children
- Food safety and hygiene
- Storage and handling of breastmilk
- Positive behavior guidance
- Effects of screentime on children
- Boundaries when working with children
- Qualities of a great nanny
- Infant and child stimulation
- Important areas of child developmental
- Weekly activity planning
- Playtime activities
- Interactive engagement and communication with an infant and toddler
- Speech and language development
- Household play items
- Water safety
- Crime prevention
- What to do in an emergency
- How to fill in a daily report card
Each participant will receive a certificate at the end of the workshop. Everything they need and refreshments will be provided.
25 October – Stilbaai Comprehensive Nanny Training Part 1
15 in stock
More about your facilitator …
Riana Frankenfeld
For all enquiries about this workshop:
I believe Women are the most powerful leaders and Influencers in the world!
I have the privilege to stay at the most southern tip of Africa – L’Agulhas in the Overberg (Western Cape).
Being raised and working cross culture for most of my life I came to experience that all humans have the same need – To be lead, affirmed and empowered.
All of us has precious memories and experiences of women – mothers, grandmothers, sisters, teachers, etc. that shaped and moulded our lives.
The Nanny Movement has wonderful practical tools to unlock and implement knowledge though skills and tools we use daily.
I am looking forward to unlock the true potential of each person who will attend these workshops.