Address: 9 Gant St, Paarl, 7646

Time: 09:00-15:00

CPR, choking, & first aid by an accredited service provider.

What do we cover:
  • The school’s mission and policy
  • Qualities of a pre-school assistant
  • Duties and skills
  • Confidentiality of information
  • The importance of being professional
  • Personal hygiene and health
  • The importance of hygiene in childcare facilities
  • Nappy-changing steps for childcare facilities
  • Toilet training and procedures regarding toilet use
  • Discipline
  • Why touch is important for babies and children
  • Children with special needs
  • How to talk to children
  • Serve & return interaction
  • Development terminology
  • Time management skills
  • Structured and unstructured play
  • Self-regulation of emotions
  • Help children understand emotions
  • Speech and language development
  • Sensory and messy play

Each participant will receive a certificate at the end of the workshop. Everything they need for the workshop and refreshments will be provided.

26 October – Paarl Pre-School Assistant & CPR, choking & first aid


My Nanny Bucket

Our collaboration with Wikkelvingers brings you our brand new Nanny Buckets. Full of education and development-orientated activities for kids.

This bucket is filled with activities focusing on a holistic approach to stimulating the baby’s sensory perception, midline crossing, and auditory and visual skills.

Activities such as pulling pegs from the lid and playing with dough and feathers help develop fine motor skills.

This bucket's focus is on stimulating perceptions such as fine motor skills, bilateral integration, and hand-eye coordination.

This bucket is designed to stimulate your toddler’s cognitive skills and other senses during this developmental stage.

Your bucket will be sent to you the Monday after the workshop you have booked. This is so your Nanny can embrace her new knowledge and be able to use the activities to her best ability.

Baebee Activity Ideas

Activity Ideas Book by BaeBee Books: A brand new book featuring 100 activities, art, and entertainment ideas for children aged 6 months to 6 years old.

100 Activity, art & entertainment ideas for children 6 months to 6 years old.

Order total:

Please respect our cancellation policy. We are FLOODED with cancellations and can not carry the financial burden of every situation.


More about your facilitator …

Chirisma Allem

For all enquiries about this workshop:

I am a foundation phase teacher and did my honors in Learner Support. I am currently a stay-at-home mom of 2 young children. I love interacting with people and kids and realize how precious children are now that I have my own.

My Nanny plays such an important part in our lives, especially in my children’s. That’s why I decided to join the Nanny Movement, I believe that I can teach, empower, and help women to be the best version of themselves.

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