Address: Bloemfontein, 9300
Time: 08:30-15:00
CPR, choking, & first aid by an accredited service provider.
What do we cover:
- Childcare basics
- General hygiene and safety when working with babies and children
- Food safety and hygiene
- Storage and handling of breastmilk
- Positive behavior guidance
- Effects of screentime on children
- Boundaries when working with children
- Qualities of a great nanny
- Infant and child stimulation
- Important areas of child developmental
- Weekly activity planning
- Playtime activities
- Interactive engagement and communication with an infant and toddler
- Speech and language development
- Household play items
- Water safety
- Crime prevention
- What to do in an emergency
- How to fill in a daily report card
Each participant will receive a certificate at the end of the workshop. Everything they need and refreshments will be provided.
27 September – Bloemfontein Comprehensive Nanny Training Part 1 & CPR, choking & first aid
More about your facilitator …
For all enquiries about this workshop:
My name is Jané Steyn, i’m a stay at home mom with a special love for early childhood development. Having a Honors degree in in Industrial Psychology will help me understand and work with people who has a love for children but not always something to show for it. How wonderful will it be to empower women in our country that has a love for children who can in return help working moms with busy lives.
Everybody wants to feel they have an impact on society no matter how big/small. I think the Nanny movement is an absolute win win situation. Parents can feel at ease leaving their child in the hands of someone who know’s how to work with their child and nanny’s in return feels empowered through learning your child how to explore this sensory world through play.
My goal is to create a ripple effect by teaching nanny’s not only how to play clever with their own children from birth onwards but also giving working moms the comfort that their baby/babies are safe in this nanny’s hands because not only does she know boundaries but how to play clever with our babies through appropriate age activities and are aware of expectant milestones that will follow.
From birth until 14 months, a baby’s brain is like a sponge, soaking up every little thing you teach them. Doesn’t it make sense to let someone watch over your child who will know exactly how to work with your child, build an emotional connection with your child and learning how to express and work through emotions overall and playing clever with your child? How I see it, is the person taking care of your child will have an impact on your child’s brain in the future and shape your child as a whole.