In our Nanny Training Workshops, we discuss “Boundaries when working with children” extensively because it’s crucial for all nannies to understand the significance of boundaries and to respect them. Since boundaries may vary from household to household, it’s essential to communicate and establish these boundaries with your nanny from the beginning.


We remind and encourage our nannies that they can and should see themselves as professionals in their jobs. Boundaries with your nanny are crucial to maintaining a professional, respectful, and harmonious relationship.

Tips to establish these boundaries | covered in our Nanny Training Workshops:

Outline the job responsibilities: Clearly define the nanny’s duties, including caregiving tasks, housework, errands, and other expectations. This ensures everyone is on the same page and prevents misunderstandings.

Set clear working hours: Define your nanny’s work schedule, including start and end times and overtime policies. Discuss how to handle emergencies or unexpected changes to the schedule.

Let’s talk about personal space! When the nanny is at your place, define the private areas (like your bedroom and office) and the shared spaces. Let her know when you want space, for example, when you breastfeed or shower.

Establish communication preferences together. Decide on the best way and frequency to communicate through meetings, phone, or text. Also, discuss how to address any issues or concerns professionally.

Clarify discipline style and guidelines: People’s frames of reference regarding discipline differ widely. Discuss your preferred methods if your nanny is responsible for disciplining your child. Ensure the nanny understands and agrees to follow your parenting style. In our workshops, we communicate the difference between punishment and discipline and that physical punishment is against the law. NEVER give your nanny permission to use physical punishment.

Set phone and social media boundaries: Be clear about personal phone use during working hours. We advise that strict rules be implemented, as this problem is quite a big problem. Also, be clear about what’s appropriate regarding taking pictures of your children and social media. Discuss whether images of your child can be posted or if anything related to your family can be shared online.

Time off and personal time: Ensure your nanny knows when it’s acceptable to request time off and what notice is needed. Again, clarify expectations regarding personal phone calls or visits during work hours.

Financial boundaries: Clearly outline financial topics like salary, bonuses, borrowing, etc. This is all very important to prevent unnecessary friction in the relationship.

Respect professionalism: Keep a professional tone in conversations, avoid personal questions that could overstep, and encourage the nanny to do the same.

These are just a few of the many boundaries you must discuss with your nanny for a healthy relationship. In our workshops, we emphasize the importance of adhering to your employer’s boundaries. Discussing these topics and reviewing them periodically can help you maintain a positive, respectful working relationship with your nanny.

Nanny Training Workshops

Our Nanny Training Workshops offers a wide range of topics:

Nanny Training
Part 1

Nanny Training
Part 2







Workshops launching soon:

Domestic Queen
Part 1 Cleaning

Domestic Queen
Part 2 Laundry

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